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Is Foundation Underpinning a Permanent Solution?

Recognizing different types of foundation cracks and using the right repair method is critical to maintaining the structural integrity of your home. As a trusted provider of structural specialty service in the area, The Dwyer Company, Inc. outlines in this blog post common types of foundation cracks and the many ways these can be effectively addressed.

Types of Foundation Cracks and How We Fix Them

Understanding Foundation Cracks

Foundation cracks vary by type, cause, and level of severity. One common type seen especially in new construction is the vertical crack. These are primarily due to the settlement process of the concrete and are known as shrinkage cracks. They usually appear within the first year after construction and are typically not a sign of a serious structural issue.

However, horizontal cracks are more concerning, indicating a severe problem, such as hydrostatic water pressure from the outside of the foundation walls. These cracks can lead to significant structural failures if not addressed promptly.

Solutions to Foundation Cracks

Our professional team in West Chester, Ohio, is adept at identifying the underlying causes of foundation cracks and implementing the most effective repair techniques. Here’s how we tackle these issues:

  • Slabjacking for Sunken Concrete. Sunken concrete slabs, whether part of your foundation or other areas of your home, can be corrected through the process of slab jacking. This method involves pumping a specialized mixture beneath the concrete slab to lift it back to its original position. It’s a cost-effective and less invasive solution compared to complete slab replacement.

  • Steel Piering for Foundation Settling. For homes experiencing foundation settling or sinking, steel piering is an excellent correction method. By driving steel piers deep into the soil beneath the foundation and lifting the foundation to its proper level, we can stabilize your home, correcting and protecting it against further settling.

  • Epoxy Injections for Crack Repair. Both vertical and horizontal cracks can be effectively treated with epoxy injections. This method not only fills the crack but also restores the concrete’s original strength and loading capacity, essentially making it as good as new. It’s a preferred method for ensuring a long-lasting repair.

Why Choose The Dwyer Company, Inc.?

At The Dwyer Company, Inc., our skilled professionals are equipped with the latest technology and methods to ensure the best possible outcome for your home. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction makes us a trusted leader in the home services industry, especially in the West Chester, Ohio area.

To learn more about how slabjacking, steel piering and other solutions can help solve your foundation problems, call us at (877) 399-3726, or fill out our contact form.




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